Online Class Notes (Jesse)


he / she
make longer sentences
which + who

Needs more review

PE class – Physical Education

set of drawers / dresser


a pulley system

speech marks / inverted commas 

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when

MB was in the park. Then, the boy said “what about the 5 cents money?”. Then MB paid the boy and walked towards the red shoed man who was reading a newspaper on a bench. MB asked something “Would you mind if we had a word?” and the man replied politely “what is it?”. MB was surprised by his politeness. But suddenly, a boy who looked innocent walked past MB and he saw that the boy had red shoes too. MB looked all around him. Everyone was wearing red shoes so he was shocked and decided to go home to live outside because (then) he could see if there was a newspaper thief or not. So he brought out all the furniture from the living room and he used a pulley system to pull all the things up. Finally, he thought it was too high so he was scared but he couldn’t go down. So he just opened the window with him jumping in the window and he went downstairs with him running and opened the door, went outside, and looked at the wire and touched it and thought it was perfect. The next morning, he got out of bed and looked out the window, with him looking bored. Then the newspaper delivery girl came. Suddenly MB thought that the girl will trip on the wire, so he rushed downstairs, opened the door as fast as he could and almost tripped on the wire. He said “no no no no no!!” and the NDG stopped. He took the newspaper and then he started to realise it was the girl who took it because the picture was the exact same shoes as the NDG and MB was furious and accused the girl of stealing the newspaper so she cried / bawled / sobbed. Then a squirrel came and took the newspaper and MB realised that it was actually not the NDG. It was the squirrel. She tripped on the wire which made the camera take a photo.