Online Class Notes (Jesse) [49.5]

Writing exercise

It’s very hard to create an agreeable and addictive application now, like WeChat or Tmall which is highly usage altitude for people in their daily life. Tmall aided many retailers to find out a new online model and break away from selling adversity. WeChat accumulates immense amounts of data which can discover more about user, and they promote advertisements to users through the data which can filter some allergic information which users don’t like. But the data sometimes will be aggression to users because data was taken and sold by apps without any approval from users.

It’s very hard to create an agreeable / attractive / favorable / popular and addictive application now, like WeChat or Tmall which has a high amount of usage for people in their daily life / lives. Tmall aided many retailers to find out a new online model and break away from selling adversity / possible adversity with their sales / can avoid a lot of adversity with their sales. WeChat accumulates immense amounts of data which can discover more about users, and they promote advertisements to users through the data which can filter some unwanted information which users don’t like. But the collection of the data sometimes will be aggressive to users because data was taken and sold by apps without any approval from users.


altitude (n) – the height of the earth
eg. this mountain is at a high altitude

agreeable (adj) – describes sb’s personality
eg. Tina is very agreeable

I have had a lot of adversity in my life – lots of difficult experiences

allergic (adj) / allergy (n) – your body’s ability to deal with certain things
eg. I am allergic to nuts
eg2. some people don’t know what they are allergic to

Mount Everest

have a day off – no work / no school

I bungled the email

array – an organised group
eg. Excel has an array of cells
eg2. A word is an array of letters

associated (adj)
eg. I’m not associated with the government
association (n)
eg. I have no association with Tina’s company
associate (v)
eg. I try not to associate with weird people

I’m part of the workers association (unions) 

I can’t bare (v) it / I can’t tolerate it
It is unbareable (adj) / It is intolerable (adj)

he was a blight on the family – he ruined their reputation and image


AI will instead of many design roles – AI will replace many design roles / AI will be used instead of people

you teached good – you taught well 

I collect data every day
Collecting data is something I do every day
Data collection is difficult

I teach every day
Teaching is something I do every day
Teaching is difficult / Education is difficult