Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

oar – the thing you use to row a boat

vein – your blood “pipes”

brunette – brown hair

fly swatter – “flies water” – something we use to kill flies

what means? what does that mean?
how to say? how do you say? 


club – a big thing made of wood that we can use to hit people

leap – a big jump

boys and girls don’t have much in common 


inventor / invent


logic – luo ji

What does a smart person do?
1. a smart person knows when they don’t know something, then they say that they don’t know it, and then they try to learn it.
2. they use logic to try to find the answers, understand them, and remember them – they always ask “why?”
3. they don’t just listen to other people, they use their brain to decide what’s true.

Writing exercise

The minions goes out of the sea and nurbut is finding the seastars to be his clothes but suddenly their leader been killed by the dinosaur. The dinosaur becomes their leader but soon the dinosaur will killed by the minions very miserable and then will change a leader who is the villainest. Then they cannot find any more leader so they live a cave at first it is good but they are not good when they don’t have leader.

The minions goes out of the sea and nurbut is finding the seastars to be his clothes so he walks into the water and picks up the seastars really quickly and sticks them on his body. However suddenly their leader been killed by the dinosaur which stomps on an animal which is crawling on the sand in front of the minions. The dinosaur becomes their leader but soon the dinosaur will be killed by the minions which is very miserable / very unfortunate / which is such a shame and then they will change leaders to one who is the most evil villain. Then they cannot find any more leaders so they live in a cave and at first it is good but after a few months, everything is really bad because they don’t have anyone to lead them.

they are not good when they don’t have a leader
it is worse when they don’t have a leader
things become worse when there is no leader for them
when they are leaderless, their lives become much worse
after a few months, everything is really bad because they don’t have anyone to lead them