Online Class Notes (Jesse)


air conditioner – a/c – kong tiao – “air con dish ner”

to – “t”
eg. I want to go = I want tgo = I wanna go

through ecommerce platform || t-sell equipment || t-customers || is really common these days


which country did she arrived? – which country did she go to? / which country has she visited? 

go / arrive
go / travel – the process of moving from A (and then maybe to B)
arrive – being at B

stationary – wen ju

track their activity and we can see each action they take


Bob is a business (biz nuss) assistant. He works for an adverTIsing company (kum pan nee). Today he is very (ve ree) busy (bi zee). His boss, Mary, is out (aaa ooot) of town (taooon). He needs to handle all the calls and all the emails (ee mayy llzz) for her. He needs to make sure everything at the office runs well while she is not here. Bob’s phone has been ringing all day. Clients want to schedule meetings, and other people at the company are trying to contact his boss. It is a very busy day at the office.


all – “orl”