Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

MB is brushing his teeth in the bathroom with the white wall which is in front of the bed. Suddenly, he has an idea. Then he puts the strangers teeth brush into the things that very untidy and then puts it back into the strangers glass and he feels happy and enjoyable. So he sings the stupid song with the stranger. After both of them have brushed their teeth, they go out and they see a ice cream car so they want one for eating but the stranger has no money so MB pays it and feels unhappy.

MB is brushing his teeth in the bathroom, with the white wall, which is in front of the bed. Suddenly, he has an idea. Then he puts the strangers tooth brush into the toilet bowl which is really dirty, and then puts it back into the stranger’s glass and he feels happy and satisfied. So he sings the stupid / silly song with the stranger. After both of them have brushed their teeth, they go out and they see an ice cream car so they want one to eat but the stranger has no money so MB pays for it and feels unhappy.


happy – adj to talk about our feeling
enjoyable – adj to talk about things we like doing
fun – adj to talk about things we like doing + exciting

satisfied – man yi
eg. MB is very satisfied because he punished the man

shopping cart / trolly – the thing that we put things into at the supermarket

pig tails – hair that in hair ties and out to the side

cuddle – to hug very warmly / sometimes for a long time


it is a ____ (noun)
it is ____ (adj / ing verb / uncountable noun)

pay for sth
eg. I pay for Giselle because she doesn’t have any money = I help you
eg2. I pay for my iphone because it’s my phone = I spend the money
pay sth
eg. The iphone is 10,000 RMB and I pay the 10,000 RMB
eg2. I go to the shop and I pay the shop assistant

I play skateboardI went skateboarding 

and nothingand that’s all