Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Mr Bean goes to a park where he usually goes. 

which = it / and it
eg. I live in China. It is a big country = I live in China which is a big country.

where = and at that place / and at that ___ / and in that ____ / and to the place …
eg. Mr Bean goes to a park where he usually goes

What is your name?
I don’t know what your name is.


main character 

route – the way to get to a place – “root / rowt”

shelter – something that keeps you safe from the weather
eg. food, water, and shelter are the 3 most important things!

escalator – like a stair that moves – S – ESSS -EScalator
elevator = lift – a lift goes up and down like an “l” – EL – ELevator

Speaking exercise

The man takes out his phone from his pocket and MB doesn’t know what does the man will say so he asks him. He says they will have a running race and they must run to the bridge which is far away from the park, and the person that runs to the bridge first will win a little prize of 5 pounds. First, the man uses the map which is on his phone, then MB takes the map which is in his “phone” bag because they want to see where the bridge is. MB draws a route which is the fastest way to the bridge and the man sees the weather on his phone but MB doesn’t have a real phone, so he is walking in the rain. The man goes to an underground station because it can help him to go quicker to the bridge and also it keeps him out of the rain. In the park, it’s raining so MB gets wet and the map is on MB’s face because the wind blows fast and strongly. So the man takes the escalator downstairs and then he is in the underground now and he’s ready to go to the bridge and he thinks he’ll be faster than MB who is still in the park.