Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

easel – the wooden thing that we use to hold the canvas

melancholy – sad and moody / longing


loomedtowered over 

peril – danger – “peh ril”
eg. He thought she was in peril / danger

perilous – adj

pearl – a nice shiny jewel

Speaking exercise

Once upon a time there was a guy called Mr Bean. One night there was a terrible storm raging outside. Every time the thunder crackled, shadows loomed over MB while he hid under the bed, leaving teddy out above the bed. Some time in the night, MB dared to turn on the light on the wooden dresser (made out of plywood). MB finally realised the shadows which loomed over him every time the thunder crackled was not ghosts, but was ordinary innocent household objects. Mr Bean exclaimed “silly me!” while holding Teddy in his right hand and patting his head apologetically / sorrily. Suddenly a booming screech came echoing from MW’s apartment. MB was nearly shocked out of his wits and climbed under his bed again, since he thought it was some kind of scary monster haunting them. Trembling, Mr Bean went downstairs in his pyjamas with a frying pan which was burned / singed / scorched on the bottom to fight the “monster” (probably doesn’t do anything to the monster) cause MB thought MW was in some kind of peril. MB carefully X 3 opened the door while trying to make no sound, the door made a loud creaaaaakkkkk noise which scared MW who was standing on top of her tiny X 3 coffee table, yelling at some kind of weird “animal”. Everytime the thunder clapped the animal’s shadow was shown, looking like a crazy monster. While MW was yelling at the shadow, she was both yelling at the cat too for being a coward. The next thing MW did was fainting onto her chair with a loud thump, because she thought the shadow at the door was some mysterious, scary kind of monster lurking around, but it turned out to just be MB coming to heroically rescue her.