Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Selene adverbs-&-synonymous adjectives-for-the-sake-of-adverbs-&-synonymous-adjectives-crazy-unwilling-to-do-homework-mozzarella-cheese-munching-and-face-slapping-sleepy-not-paying-attention-doggy-loving-water-obsessed-fishy-cookie-water-drinking-whilst-laughing-weirdest-cutie-pie-toilet-going-animal-loving-everything-wanting-to-eat-always-hungry-making-jesse-type-a-lot-Krazy-with-a-K-sticky-sour-between-clean-and-dirty-reading-lover-miming-monkey-pillow-palace-queen-itty-bitty-kiddy-widdy-woo-woo-joke-telling-Kwok


shiney floor board / wooden floors 

rocking chair 

dresser / set a drawers 


blank canvas 

foot of the bed < > head of the bed


Speaking exercise

In a dark attic, Samantha, a girl with a melancholy look on her face, sat on her bed which had the head of the bed facing the window. She was wearing a blue dress while holding a note in her hand. There was only a lamp that was lit up in this room with its dim light, so it didn’t feel so creepy. The bed had a chequered pattern of different colors and was made out of wood with a small fluffy pillow. On the foot of the bed was Samantha’s dark blue suitcase and her light blue backpack. There was a wooden rocking chair which was very creaky, beside Samantha’s suitcase and backpack. On the right of Samantha’s bed was a window that was half open, with curtains that were blueish while they were being blown by the strong wind. There, next to the window sat an easel with some paint brushes, paint, and a half drawn drawing of a fox on the canvas. The whole attic was made out of wood including the creaky broken stairs which had a wooden dresser beside it (near the rocking chair). The dresser had 6 drawers with the top 2 being half open and an unlit candle sat upon the dresser with a small mirror in the half opened drawer.