Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Speaking exercise

In MB’s bedroom, Mrs Wicket was sleepwalking like a zombie. She got on MB’s bed with her cat that was being covered by her blanket. MB get off his bed and took his teddy away, a second before MW crash on his bed. He tries to wake MW up by squeaking, and then turn on the clock and then he get 2 pans and cracks them together but MW is still sleeping. His plan was to tie MW on mattress by a sheet and carries her to sofa and get the sheet that was used to tie MW off.

In MB’s bedroom, Mrs Wicket who was sleepwalking like a zombie got on MB’s bed with her cat that was being covered by her blanket. MB got off his bed and took his teddy away, a second before MW crashed on his bed / jumped on his bed / stole his bed. He tried to wake MW up by coughing, and then turning on the clock and then getting 2 pans and cracking them together but MW is still sleeping. His plan was to tie MW on a mattress with a sheet and carry her to sofa and get the sheet, that was used to tie MW, off.


alarm clock 

MB smashes MW with a sofa – hits her
MB throws MW and she crashes into the sofa – she falls and hits it

mattress – the thing we sleep on

tie – 绑

fabric – something that we make clothes and sheets out of


My friend is at school. He is fat.
My friend who is fat, is at school. 

My pen is on my desk. It is black.
My pen which is black is on my desk. 

My pen, which I bought in Japan when I visited in 2018 with my mum and my friends for 1 year, is on my desk. 

My favorite pen which is black and one that I got from Beijing when I visited in 2020 with my mum and grandma is on my desk with some crayons