Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Speaking exercise

MB was furious to see that teddy’s brains spilled out so he rolled up his sleeves to go over to the boy but a big boy who turned out to be the boy’s father steps behind MB and looms over him. MB rolled up his pants and said I’m hot, while going into the water to give the big guy the impression that he wasn’t about the beat his son up. Finally the bully’s father takes him home with the bully laughing at MB and sticking out his tongue.

MB was furious to see that teddy’s brains spilled out so he rolled up his sleeves to go over to the boy who was still laughing but a big guy who turned out to be the boy’s father steps behind MB and looms over him. MB who was alarmed rolled up his pants and said I’m hot, while going into the water to give the big guy the impression that he wasn’t about the beat his son up. Finally the bully’s father takes him home with the bully laughing at MB and sticking out his tongue.


    he turned his pockets out

    needle and thread

    I part my hair in the middle


    sew – “so

    sue – “soo”

    Speaking exercise

    MB is really sad that he didn’t get to beat the boy up and he was walking home and he went past a toy shop and he look in it to see if there’s anything that he needs but there’s nothing but he’s still very angry because Teddy’s brains spilled out but when he walked a little further, he saw a toy plane… when he went to the toy shop he saw a toy plane that’s pretty much the same as the boys so he wants to buy that too so that he can slice the boy’s soft toy’s brains out but he doesn’t have money so he’s very depressed. MB who was very depressed went home and had lots of things that he’s going to do. Firstly, he had to repair teddy so he sewed his head which still had brains spilling out with a needle and green thread. After that, he uses his spit which was really yucky and sticky to part Teddy’s hair. Afterwards, MB sets teddy on his lounge sofa and turned on the TV which shows a bunch of bees circling some pot and he tip toes really silently from behind teddy’s sofa and towards his cabinet which held a piggy bank which was opened by MB who sticked his hand into it, but his hand got stuck so he tried to shake it off. However it didn’t do any good so he went to his kitchen and tried to wash the piggy bank off but it didn’t work so he use some cleaning supplies which he squirted into the piggy bank but that only resulted as lots of bubbles bursting from MB’s hand but what was really cute was that you could see teddy still watching TV in the background. Meanwhile MB who was very frustrated shoved the piggy bank between his legs and pulled but I think he’s going to s*$% his pants.

    The cold, dark sidewalk baked in the heat of the June Shanghai sun as Mr Bean slowly wandered through the streets towards his home, swinging his teddy which had brains still spilling out all over the sidewalk. Mr Bean was very sick of the boy who bullied him and who didn’t get beaten up by him, and was more frustrated as he was thinking about him whilst walking home.