Online Class Notes (Jesse)

I would like to introduce my Hamster named Little Seed who I have had for 2 years, since she was a baby.

She has many good qualities that make her the best little animal in the world.

She is fat so I think she’s cute and when I flick her she will make sounds which I think is adorable.

She can do maths and she even knows 1+1 = 2. I know because I tested her before using a game I made myself. I think she is really intelligent. In my opinion (“op pin yen”), she’s the smartest hamster I’ve ever seen.

Her diet includes many different things but her favorite things to eat are seeds. When I feed her a seed she will eat it very quickly and she is always very excited when she knows I’m about to give her some seeds. As I said before, she’s a little fat, so she has a big appetite and can eat over 10 seeds in 1 day. Wow!

She is really athletic for a hamster. One day I put her into a box which had 3 rings and she needed to jump out of the rings. Although she is a bit chubby, she could jump out of each ring really easily, which impressed me a lot!

So these are the reasons that I think my hamster, Little Seed, is the greatest hamster in the world, and I hope now you think she’s pretty cool too!

she has short whiskers

she has long, black and why fur

she has short, pink legs

when I first got her she wasn’t fat at all, but after 1 year she gained a lot weight and now she’s quite chubby

actually she likes to eat almost anything except meat

She likes to dig holes in the ground and she loves to sleep in the hole – maybe she thinks it’s really comfortable. She also loves running on her hamster wheels