Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30.5]


mum let him to do it – mum let him do it


the treehouse started to spin and everything was still, absolutely still 

still – not moving
eg. You should keep still when the dentist is looking at your teeth

stay = don’t go
still = don’t move

“I want to go home” he said (the words) = He said that he wants to go home (the meaning) 

She held up a book with a castle on the cover.
I showed you a phone with a message on the screen
You held up a phone with a message on the screen
I hold up a book with a picture of my brother on the cover

I set the cup down on the table = I put the cup down on the table

I can’t help myself / my brother can’t help himself / she couldn’t help herself, she just had to eat the cake!

I went to where sth is
I went to where I do sth
eg. I put my hat where my glasses are
eg2. I go to where I can learn every day

your hair is snake-like / you have snake-like hair

Jack studied the picture of the odd-looking creature soaring through the sky.
Nancy saw a picture of her funny looking dad looking like a bear
I saw a picture of my angry looking brother yelling at me

He made a menu with his teddy bear shaped, yummy looking pizza on it