Online Class Notes (Jesse)


I talked to Steven and he said don’t worry about the business because i will go to the clinic after work and I organised my staff to work every day

I talkto Steven en hised donworry boutthebisness

Writing exercise

My son wants me to pick him up after school today . I told him that I have an English class at 4:00pm so I can’t go there and he was very upset. I said that if you talk to me in English every day of all of the conversations and I might be able to change my class from 4:00pm to 1:30pm every Wednesday . Jamen said ok then I need to pick him up today . I told him I can’t changed my class today because my teacher have classes from 1:00pm to 3:00pm already ,I need to respect my Jesse who is my teacher I can’t just do whatever I want , jamen said ok and I understand.

My son wanted me to pick him up after school today and / but I told him that I have an English class at 4:00pm so I can’t / so I am not able to go there and he was very upset. I said that if you talk to me in English every day for all of the conversations and I might be able to / and maybe I can change my class from 4:00pm to 1:30pm every Wednesday. Jamen said ok then I need to pick him up today . I told him (that) I can’t change my class today because my teacher has classes from 1:00pm to 3:00pm already so I need to respect Jesse, who is my teacher. I can’t just do whatever I want. Jamen said ok and I understand.


i have a day off today

I haven’t taken Jamen overseas by myself before

we will stay in HK

she is not mature enough

I am happy < > I am not happy

want – wanted
go – went
will < > won’t (will not)

I’m trying to survive = I want to, I’m doing my best, it’s hard to live
I’m trying to live in Malaysia = I want to, I’m doing my best, it’s hard

survive – a business not ending / a life not ending / sth not failing
eg. During covid many businesses didn’t survive (they ended)


how dare you! = omg I can’t believe you did that / you shouldn’t do that

You can’t smoke in here = not allowed
You’re not able to smoke in here = ability

state = zhuang tai
eg. my business is in a good state

situation = qing kuang
eg. my situation these days is (good / bad / that I’m living in malaysia and Judy is in China / is that I work a lot so I’m tired)

general – yi ban de
specific – te ding de

her mentality is not right to be a manager

is there something I can help you with / can I help you with anything?

are you looking for something specific? / in particular?

that’s for free / that’s complimentary / it is on the house
eg. we would like to offer you a complimentary skin examination if you’re interested! / if you’d like.

incentive – a reason to do the right thing / work hard

speed (n) = how fast sth is
height = how tall you are
age = how old you are
eg. the speed is 100 KPH
eg2. my age is 38


expertise – “ecks per teesss”

experience – ecks peer ree yenss”

Speaking exercise

I talked to Steven. Steven say don’t worry about the business because i will go the clinic after my work and I organise the staff to work every day and we actually we have enough staff to work every day and also they have a lot of experience and i trust A, V, V, and Y, and also they know that I will give them bonus if they are doing well. I always treat them to dinner and a lot of bonus. He doesn’t do anything but he said that he will stay in office every day and give them some pressure / the feeling that the boss is there if the shops no boss there, they will lazy and they just do nothing.

I talked to Steven and he said don’t worry about the business because i will go to the clinic after my work and I organised the / my staff to work every day and we actually we have enough staff to work every day and also they have a lot of experience and i trust A, V, V, and Y, and also they know that I will give them bonus if they are doing well. I always treat them to dinner and give them a lot of bonus. He doesn’t do anything but he said that he will stay in office every day and give them some pressure / the feeling that the boss is there if the shops no boss there, they will lazy and they just do nothing.