Online Class Notes (Jesse) [10]

Write a letter to a boy called Peter who is fat and you need to give him some healthy advice to help him lose weight.

Speaking exercise

Dear Peter,

You shouldn’t eat too many sweets or too much meats. You need to have more carbs and vegetables. Make sure you do exercise every day. You can have a bit more at lunch time but less at dinner time, to have milk for breakfast. Don’t have too many snacks. You can have popcorn instead of chocolate or sweets. Don’t have too much fried foods.

and / but / so / because / when / which / who

Dear Peter, one of our friends told me you are a little fat and you need some advice, so let me help you! You shouldn’t eat too many sweets which have too much sugar because they will make you fat. Also, you can have some healthy foods like watermelon and some popcorn which have less sugar, instead of chocolates and fried chips, and I think watermelon tastes better than chocolate anyway! Also maybe you can exercise more, and go swimming twice a week because it will keep you fit and it will make you feel more comfortable and cool during summer. Plus swimming is so much fun! You can have some meat but don’t have too much because the protein will make you even fatter which is not good for you! 


I will be tired than the teacher – I will be more tired than the teacher


conjunctions – lian ci

I am from planet inaeurcybtli3a

ceiling (inside) < > roof (outside)
floor (inside) < > ground (outside

a round piece of dough / pizza base

oven – kao xiang
microwave – wei bo lu

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when / which / who

He gets everything out of the cupboard and puts it all on the table. He adds a butter and some flour inside a bowl and started to roll it with a rolling pin and suddenly he sneezes and the flour is blown all the way on to his teddy. After he finished rolling the pizza he throw the pizza base like the flying thing in india and suddenly it got stuck on the ceiling. MB said “fine” and he start to make one again and it have just dropped right down onto MB’s head. MB took it off and he just throw some sausages and tomatoes onto the pizza base and he adds 2 round pieces of pizza base as ears of his teddy’s face. Plus the teddy’s face just looks like Mickey. He adds 2 mushrooms as eyes and he adds really a lot of salami as his mouth, and the nose of the teddy has just disappeared.