Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


partition – sth that separates a room / hard drive
eg. we have partitions between our desks at work

her voice travels 

it’s nearby / it’s near us 

double pane glass – double layer / thickness

if they listen very clearly they can hear me

eg. the client kept interrupting and asking lots of rude questions

a peoplesomeone

if it was me – if it were me = if I was you – if I were you – if I was in your position
eg. If I were you I wouldn’t quit my job yet = I don’t think you should quit your job

renovate / refurnish – zhuang xiu

off the top of their heads – what you can think of without preparation / planning
eg. they thought of a few brands off the top of their heads

workable – can do it / able to be done

effective – very useful / get a lot from it

efficient – how well you use time to do sth
eg. chinese medicine and western medicine are both effective but western is more efficient because it’s faster

this is the first time he said it / mentioned it / brought it up 

cartoon / cartoon show

listen carefully / seriously / attentively

she listened muchshe listened a lot


polite – pah LITE

atmosphere – AT mos feer