Online Class Notes (Jesse)


I look at he – I look at him

He likes me < > I like him

I feel exciting – I am excited

I am bored
I am tired

Today is hot and I feel very weak because I don’t like summer.

Suddenly I think my home is very good because my home is very cold.

I got up at 7 o’clock. I ate some breakfast. I ate some noodles. – I got up at 7 o’clock and I ate some breakfast and I ate some noodles

My friend broken up with me. – My friend stopped being friends with me / My friend said he wants to not be my friend

he was just in the living room


brave – br ay v


How do you say ____ in English?

air conditioner – kong tiao

what oil does your mum use?

olive oil – gan lan you

cheese – qi si

the food you use to make food = ingredients

butter – huang you

sneeze – da pen ti

pizza base – the bread part of the pizza / the bottom of the pizza

Needs more review

delivery man – kuai di yuan

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when

Mr Bean goes to the kitchen and he takes some olive oil and he takes some cheese, and fish and lots of vegetables because he want to make a pizza. He take a pizza base and the pizza base is round. He throw this pizza base but he throw very high. Then the pizza base falls on his head.