Online Class Notes (Jesse)


every sentence / idea must have conjunctions to connect (and / but / so / because / when)



actually“ack cheh lee” / “ack tyou al lee”

pretended – “preh ten ded” 

since – “sinss


adj – describes a noun (nice / pretty / beautiful) – good
adv – describe a verb (happily / quickly / slowly) – some adverbs don’t have “ly” – well

The toy is really beautiful
I run quickly

I am good
I run well / I speak well / I slept well

good food
cat food
good cat food
you can’t count adjectives



shopping mall – huge and has many stores
supermarket – main one for your home / food / cooking / cleaning
convenience store – mini / very small, just for little things
market – usually outside, fresh things

supermarket staff
supermarket manager / boss 

and / but / so / because / when / if – conjunctions
eg. I went to school and after that I went home.

turn it upside down / she is upside down < > she is the right way up 

cross sth out / cross sth off the list

a sack of potatoes

olive oil 

Writing exercise

MB is at the shopping market and he pulls out a squeaky trolly. After that, a market keeper comes out who’s really angry but one moment later he continues chasing the trolly train. MB is in the market and he uses a telescope to find the market keeper. Since the trolly train press the point of the boom gate, the boom gate crushes a red car. Now MB sees the market keeper smiling like a baby but actually he is really afraid. Then, he grabs some stockings and pretended he is choosing for Teddy. A market keeper who was really angrily, now he’s arrange, MB is arrange too after that he goes to the pet part and buys a lot of red cats food.

MB is at the supermarket and he pulls out a squeaky trolly. After that, a supermarket manager comes out who’s really angry but one moment later he continues chasing the trolly train. MB is in the supermarket and he uses a telescope to find the manager since the trolly train presses the button of the boom gate which crushes a red car. Now MB sees the market keeper smiling like a baby but actually he is really afraid and then, he grabs some stockings and pretended he is choosing them for Teddy. The manager who was really angry / who was chasing the trolly really angrily, now he’s relaxed / at ease, MB is relaxed too and after that he goes to the pet area and buys a lot of red cat food.