Online Class Notes (Jesse)


he is writing his homework – he is doing his homework

as long as = if / while
eg. as long as Florence keeps reading, her English will get better



think – thought 
buy – bought
bring – brought
teach – taught

Writing exercise

Dragon is going to build a roaring fire because to wake up Kitty, then Dragon wants to make hot cocoa. Kitty says OK. Dragon heats up milk in the saucepan. They add cocoa and plenty of sugar. Kitty puts marshmellows in the cup

Dragon is going to build a really big fire which will make Kitty feel warm and comfortable because she is so cold. He wakes up Kitty because he wants to make hot cocoa with her. Kitty says OK because she wants to drink hot cocoa too and be warm. First, Dragon puts some milk in the saucepan to make it hot. They add cocoa and a lot of sugar and Kitty puts marshmellows in the cup because they want to drink the cocoa and eat the marshmellows together.