Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

eg. I have a lot of experience riding horses
eg2. I don’t have any experience (n) climbing mountains but I want to experience (v) it

no!! = I don’t really want to / I would prefer not to / not right now (thanks)


Did you have dinner? – past / have
Yes I had dinner

What did you eat for dinner? – past / eat
I ate some fish, cabbage, and rice

Do you go to school? – present / go
Do you see this man? – present / see
Have you seen this man?

I have been to Japan
I went to school

What’s the past word for eat?

eat / ate / eaten

I have a pen which is black
I ate some cake which was yummy


a fruit cream cake
a fruitcake

a paper = a newspaper
a piece of paper 

surname = family name (Sun)


wanted poster 

nail / pin

Speaking exercise

which / who / and / but / so / because / when

MB is wake up at next morning and the prisoner is under the bed. He feel not good. The police is finds the prisoner so the police use the hammer to let the nail in the tree. MB who wears the prisoner clothes is go out and he sees the wanted poster so the police ask him “do you see this man?”. MB doesn’t know the prisoner is in his house so he says “no”.

MB is waking up in the morning / waking up the next morning and the prisoner is under the bed. He feels bad. The police is finding the prisoner so the policeman uses the hammer to put / stick the poster on the tree. MB who wears the prisoner clothes is going out and he sees the wanted poster so the police ask him “have you seen this man?”. MB doesn’t know the prisoner is in his house so he says “no”.