Online Class Notes (Jesse)


skinny < > fat

spiders scare me / I am scared of spiders / I think spiders are scary

alone = no one with you
lonely = you feel bad because you’re alone

find – zhao dao
find out – try to find information / knowledge / to fix sth

stir – to mix something using a spoon, fork, chopstick, your finger

steam – the hot air that comes off liquid

broth – the liquid part of the soup

soothe – to make sth feel better
eg. I drank some hot tea and it soothed my throat – it made it feel better


some – countable + uncountable
a lot – countable + uncountable
eg. I have some friends
eg2. I have some money
eg3. I have a lot of friends
eg4. I have a lot of money

I have a teacher who is named Jesse / Jess and he is tall and he is funny and he has long snakes in his hair..

Speaking exercise

One day, Dragon wants to fly a kite and he wakes up Kitty but Kitty who feels ill, has a stuffy nose and a sore throat so she said to Dragon sadly, “sorry Dragon, I don’t feel well today.. I have a cold, so I have to stay in our warm home” so, Kitty falls asleep. The Dragon who is lonely, goes out and fly their kite by himself but he feels there’s no fun without Kitty so he went to his library which is big and have a lot of books to find out how to make Kitty’s cold go away. First, he makes the tea for Kitty to soothe Kitty’s sore throat and Kitty who feels better than before, goes to sleep again, and Dragon makes the soup for Kitty who is sleeping, and has a cold.

One day, Dragon wants to fly a kite and he wakes up Kitty but Kitty who feels ill, has a stuffy nose and a sore throat so she says to Dragon sadly, “sorry Dragon, I don’t feel well today.. I have a cold, so I have to stay in our warm home” so, Kitty falls asleep. The Dragon who is lonely, goes out and flies their kite by himself but he feels there’s no fun without Kitty so he goes to his library which is big and has a lot of books to find out how to make Kitty’s cold go away. First, he makes some tea for Kitty to soothe her sore throat and Kitty who feels better than before, goes to sleep again, and Dragon makes the soup for Kitty who is sleeping, and has a cold.