Online Class Notes (Jesse)


he continued indefinitely

4 sided shape – quadrangle


1 wheeled bike – unicycle
2 wheeled bike – bicycle 
3 wheeled bike – tricycle
4 wheeled bike – quad bike 

criminals – someone who does an illegal thing

prisoners – someone who is in prison

blind – like a curtain but hard and stops all light from coming in

searchlight / spotlight

Speaking exercise

which / who / with sth being / when / where / following that

There is a prisoner who escaped a prison and then the alarm was on on on on right after he went out and then he dodged the spotlights, and after that he snuck out. Meanwhile, MB was taking a bath but when he heard the racket outside he stepped out of the bathtub and wiped his body. Then he peered outside to see what is happening. Next he closed the blinds for some privacy and he kept on taking his bath. While he took a bath the thief snuck into MB’s house by grabbing and ladder and climbing on. He grabbed a flower pot just before it smashed and after that he saw some leftover crumbs from MB’s dinner so he grabbed it and ate it. DONE.