Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Jesse says: How are you?
Kevin says: Great
Kevin says: How about you?
Jesse says: Pretty good!

We speak English. Jesse talks to Kevin and Kevin talks to Jesse. Jesse speaks to Kevin and Kevin speaks to Jesse.

I wrote about it – guan yu

Writing exercise

Mr Bean takes an orange cup (cone), then he puts some ice cream in the cone and puts a chocolate in the ice cream. MB is very happy because he can eat ice cream. He puts some money in the cash register. After that, there is a child saying “ice cream please”, so MB doesn’t know what to do. 

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean has no money, so he goes home to get some money and he gets his wallet.

How does the girl feel?
She is sad because she doesn’t get ice cream so MB gives ice cream to the girl.

where is Mr Bean?

there is a cup on the table < > there isn’t a cup on the table

there isn’t ice cream in the ice cream machine (“masheen“) = the ice cream machine is empty

Do you think Mr Bean can eat ice cream? No, because there isn’t ice cream in the ice cream machine …

So what should he do? So MB should take some money to give the ice cream man

but he doesn’t open the door because the door is locked


to = dao

I go to school
I give it to you

I buy it for you – wei le
Mr Bean sells the ice cream to the children

I talk to you – dao
I talk with you – together / yi qi de

I share it with you – together / yi qi de
I give it to you – dao



cash register


feemous – “fee”
famous – “faaeee”




The woman had eight babies at one time. She was famous. Nobody could believe it. It was a world record. How could anyone have eight babies at one time? Her doctor had given her special drugs. The special drugs made her have eight babies. She was happy to have eight babies.