Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

colleague / coworker – tong shi
eg. she was my mum’s colleague many years ago

my phone makes my life more convenient
homework makes me tired
I want to call my friends and my phone lets me do it
Standing out in the rain makes me wet

frustrated – annoyed


not” – no

we don’t have thiswe haven’t done this

how to sayhow do you say it?


broom + dustpan

adopted – to get a child or animal and they become yours

companion – like a friend or someone who keeps you company

cut out for sth – to be able to do it / have the skills

appreciate – to be thankful
eg. I appreciate my mum

cuddle = warmly hug someone

Speaking exercise

Next day Dragon’s potion worns off. It becomes the old dragon. Kitty is very glad because the old Dragon is coming. When she do any cleaning she will says Dragon can you help me do some cleaning? And now, Dragon is cleaner than his old self.

The next day Dragon’s potion which made him very clean has worn off and he becomes the old dragon who is very messy, so Kitty is very glad because the old Dragon is back. When she does any cleaning she will say Dragon can you help me do some cleaning? And now, Dragon is cleaner than his old self.

and / but / so / because / when / which / who / where 

Maddie is choosing a service animal for Mrs Baker who is looking for a good service animal. She chooses the little cat Pendleton and then she trains him. First she tells Pendleton to turn on the coffee machine but he catches grabs the coffee creamer and it is messy in the house / and he makes a mess. Then, she thinks and she tells him to move the box to the door but he jumps into it and Maddie is very frustrated / annoyed that she is not a good trainer. Then a man goes into the house with a piece of paper and he says to Maddie: you can go to the meet and greet house, so the next morning she goes to the meet and greet house and gives the cat to Mrs Baker’s son