Online Class Notes (Jesse)


I come to Europe – I went to Europe last month
I just came back the day before yesterday

a lot of products are needed to be prepared on the livestream / a lot of products need to be prepared on the livestream

eg. he runs quickly
eg2. you must be quick

eg. her eyes are beautiful / her eyes look beautiful
eg2. she speaks beautifully / she dresses beautifully

eg. he is slow / he is good / he is bad
eg2. he runs slowly / he dresses poorly

it’s not very clearly –  it’s not very clear / I don’t speak very clearly 

when I readingwhen I am reading / when I read I can relax 

some foreigners they don’t speak very natively

some people in China‘s their habit is to have porridge – spoken English
some people in China have the habit to eat porridge – too perfect

it seems more healthy / I am happy / it is healthy
it’s good for our health 

I know what your name is.
I know (that) your name is Jesse

I have a pen that is black
I have a pen which is black
I have a pen that / which I bought in Japan
I have a pen that / which I want to sell on my livestream.

I want to eat what (the food that) you are eating.

I talk to myself
They talk to me


popular – many people like it

white people

foreign countries
other countries
outside of China

accent – kou yin



improvement / progress – noun
eg. I’m excited about my progress


I need to discuss with my colleagues / coworkers 

time zone
eg. China is in a different time zone to Europe
time difference
eg. There’s a big time difference between China and Europe

from – anytime (past, present, future)
eg. I have been a teacher from 2010 / I will sleep tonight from 10PM
since – from a past time
eg. I have been a teacher since 2010

carbs – tan shui

carbon – a mineral / element



how are you – howareyou

what are you doing? – whatareyoudoing?

protein – pro teen

Speaking exercise

I woke up at 9:30 and I do some works with my colleagues about to choose the products what my next livestream want to sell and then I write several wechat articles on my wechat group and discuss it with my customers, about what’s your feeling of my product, what’s your feeling of myself and this talking and then I prepare for my class to learn English and I took a very light / simple breakfast, it’s very strange ones about milk, but it’s not the common milk it’s about butter milk.

I woke up at 9:30 and I have done / did some works with my colleagues about to choose the products that / which my next livestream wants to sell and then I wrote / have written several articles on my wechat group and talked with my customers, and at the same time I learned / heard about their feelings of my products, and also about their feelings about me and this talking and then I prepare for my class to learn English and I took a very light / simple breakfast, it’s very strange ones about milk, but it’s not the common milk it’s about butter milk.