Online Class Notes (Jesse) [222]


the first time that I bringed the dog to school – brought

i was just play with them – i was just playing with them


static electricity

he has a big head = he thinks he’s amazing
he has a big head = his head is big

Speaking exercise

MB arrives at a museum which is a gigantic, tall, made of white marble, fascinating, magnificent, interesting museum of science and technology. As MB was entering, a boy crashed into him and teddy soared over MB’s head and his destination was beside the boy who crashed into MB. The boy’s doll soared over the boy and it’s destination was beside MB who was rubbing his butt after being crashed into someone who had a very big head, but MB has a very big head himself (no pun intended with the “butt”). Next, the boy started sticking his tongue out and making weird noises at MB while the boy’s dad picked him up by his backpack and started yelling at him. The boy grabbed teddy thinking it was his doll, and stormed away with his dad, while glaring at MB as the boy entered the museum. MB sighed and picked up the boy’s doll, thinking it was teddy ted and slipped it into his surprisingly big pocket. He waddled towards the entrance of the museum, cause he was super tired from yelling at the kid. Finally he stepped into the museum of science and technology which is giant. MB looked around and every invention he saw was very unimpressive until he saw a static electricity ball which was orange, small, sort of cuteish, and was generating electricity while making a zzzt zzzt zzzt sound. While the machine made that sound, a girl was winding the lever over and over again. After winding it, the girl put her hands on a small ball beside a mini machine and her hair was standing on its ends. MB thought the girl would be electrocuted but she wasn’t. MB thought it was a miracle and he wanted to try.