Online Class Notes (Jesse)


and / but / so / because / when / which / who / it / he / as 

Writing exercise

The ice cream man gives the ice cream to the boy because MB doesn’t have mony. He goes home to gets the wallet then he runs to the park and he sees many kids. He wants to push in line but the ICM says what you can’t, turn the back. MB says fun. But he think it’s not good because he comes here first and he’s going to line up. All the kids are looking at him.

The ice cream man gives the ice cream to the boy who gives money to the ice cream man / who is waiting in line / who is small, because MB doesn’t have money. He goes home to get the wallet then he runs to the park and he sees many kids. He wants to push in line but the ICM says what? you can’t, (go) to the back. MB says fine! But he thinks it’s not good because he goes there / was there first and he’s going to line up. All the kids are looking at him.


which – it / and it
who – he / she / they / and he / and she / and they

I have a friend. He is fat. = I have a friend who is fat.
I have a pen. It is black. = I have a pen which is black.



here = the place I am now
there = a different place to where I am now
eg. Hey Jesse, how is the weather there? The weather is good here.

patient – nai xin < > impatient – bu nai xin
eg. MB is not very patient / MB is very impatient

(park) bench




ice cream cone 

ice cream machine

a child
2 children
The children‘s ice cream

because = as / since
eg. I am tired as I didn’t sleep last night
eg2. I am wet since I was outside in the rain


water color

decoration – something we put to make a place looks nice


to does / to gets / to goes 

to do / get / go

When I have class, I am happy.
When I go to bed, I am comfortable.

in mountains there is coldin the mountains it is cold / it is cold in the mountains / it is cold there

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when / which / who 

MB is line up and he is not patient and he is a little bit angry. The childrens get their ice cream and they’re happy but MB is not happy because the ice cream store is closed so the ICM has to eat his lunch, and he’s watches a newspaper. He sit on a park bench which is green. MB is not happy because he doesn’t get his ice cream. When the ICM eats the sandwich MB climbs into the ICT and he wants to get ice cream. He opens the window and he wants to get the ice cream so he reaches for the ice cream 

MB is lining up and he is not patient and he is a little bit angry because he doesn’t get his ice cream. The children get their ice creams and they’re happy but MB is not happy because the ice cream store is closed because the ICM has to eat his lunch, and he’s reading a newspaper. He sits on a park bench which is green. MB is not happy as the ice cream store is closed and he’s really hot and hungry. When the ice cream man eats the sandwich MB climbs into the ice cream truck and he wants to get (the) ice cream. He opens the window and he wants to get the ice cream so he reaches for it.