Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

An unforgiving, unforgetable, unusual thing happened at school. There was an undecided activity at school. It’s very unhelpful. I, of course, are very ungrateful and I was unaware that there was lots of unfinished work to do.

An unforgiving, unforgetable, unusual thing happened at school. There was an undecided activity at school. It’s very unhelpful. I, of course, are very ungrateful and I was unaware that there was lots of unfinished work to do.

An unforgettable thing happened to me yesterday because I woke up and found myself on the bed but I fell asleep on my table. That’s so unusual, right? I was unaware that I fell asleep during my writing class. My work was unfinished, and sitting on my table in the living room. I am undecided about who moved me to my bed and I just wanted to go back to sleep. It was really unhelpful to think about that while I was trying to sleep. So I shut off my brain and fell asleep. But when I woke up, I found my mum glaring at me. She was very ungrateful that I had cleaned my room earlier that day because I slept all afternoon. She punished me and I was very unforgiving of her.

unforgettable / unusual = memory 

undecided / unaware = knowledge / doing things

unforgiving / unhelpful / ungrateful = personality

unfinished = event / project

Mum gave you some cake and you are ungrateful – you didn’t say thank you / you don’t appreciate it.

Needs more review

campaign – a long project that is arranged with a specific purpose

fusion powered – nuclear power

scolded – be mad at sb
eg. Jesse scolded Selene because she didn’t review

confiscated – to take sth away from someone

illinois – a place in America


mischief – mis chef