Online Class Notes (Jesse)


there’s a grammar I always confused – there’s a grammar that I always am confused about

I always confuse (v) these words
I am always confusing (v) these words
I am always confused about (adj) these words

I always bore (v) my students
I am always boring (v) my wife
I am always bored (adj) with work

I am very happy

the cat doesn’t have sth

do / make / have / go / want / eat / drink – original verbs

the cat has a hat
the cat makes noise
the cat doesn’t have a hat
the cat can’t make noise
the cat will go home
the cat goes home



opp or tyou ni tee / opp or choo ni dee

economist – e KON nom mehst
economics – eh kon NOM micks
economy – e KON nomee

I’m interested in the economy so I studied economics and I want to be an economist so my life can be more economical

bold – strong + confident – “bold”

bald – “ball d