Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Mr + Family name
eg. Hello Mr Smith

Pickett – picket fence


Martin Chen / Mr Chen

we came third / we placed third

candle – something that burns with fire

incense – nice smelling stuff that you burn

pen holder / container

finance industry

renovations (n) / renovate (v)

there were many iterations – versions that are created because you’re trying to improve sth

rough < > smooth
eg. concrete is a lot rougher than cement

3d printer


in the afternoon we held the competition

there’s many people who will win

events happen
objects work
projects finish

we make the events happen / the events are arranged by us
we make the objects / the objects are made by us

Speaking exercise

For example for the number one works, there’s a huge gap between what they design and what they make / between the dream and the reality. So they have tried to make their work so many times. Because the concrete is not that precise so they have tried so many times to correct their works and I was a competitor and also the organiser for the competition so we have helped them several times and take them to the lab to make the work and told them what part of their object can do and what part of their job cannot produce so that’s about the competition.

For example for the number one work, there’s a huge gap between what they designed / had designed and what they made / between the dream and the reality. So they changed their work so many times / there were many iterations of their work. Because the concrete is not that precise so they have tried so many times to correct their works and I was a competitor and also the organiser for the competition so we had helped / we helped them several times and took them to the lab to make the work and told them what part of their object could be done / could work and what part of their job couldn’t work / couldn’t be produced so that’s about the competition.