Online Class Notes (Jesse)


I know that your name is Giselle. – use “that” in your writing

Needs more review

automatically – zi dong de

mattress – the thing you sleep on
eg. the sofa bed has a pull out mattress


it’s harder than environment

I have a pen that is black. = I have a pen which is black.
I know that your name is Giselle.

I like pens


Chinese National Day

1985 – “19 85” 

2022 – “20 22” 

university – da xue
eg. my university will be Shanghai music university

realise – fa xian

rent – zu
eg. I rent a house in Sydney

describe = xing rong

Speaking exercise

MW throws MB out of the house and then MB sleeps on the bench which is in the park and he puts the alarm clock on the bin which is beside the bench. After that, the alarm clock rings and MB gets up and he uses the bird which is drinking water to brush his teeth. Then he realises that he uses a bird to brush his teeth so he lets the bird fly away.