Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

Do more Mr Bean and less Epic because Selene is a naughty cookie because Jesse spelled cookie wrong

Needs more review

aluminium – a type of metal

humidity – how wet the air is

was – 1 – singular
were – 2+ – plural 

smell of smoke came / wafted in / floated in / drifted in from the kitchen


delivery person – courier


those words are jumbled in my brain

instigate – to cause sth bad

Speaking exercise

Then Mrs Wicket gives MB the delivery notice and MB takes it. Next MB’s chair falls over and the springs sprouted up and hit his butt and all of a sudden there’s a ringing that sounded like “ding dong” so MB went downstairs and opened the door. The delivery man gave MB the notice and made him sign it but the delivery man know MB was a male not a female so he say you’re not MW.

Then Mrs Wicket gave MB the delivery notice and MB took it. Next MB’s chair fell over and the springs sprouted up and hit his butt and all of a sudden there was a ringing that sounded like “ding dong” so MB went downstairs and opened the door. The delivery man / courier gave MB the notice and made him sign it but the delivery man realised MB was a male not a female so he said you’re not MW.