VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [49]

Writing exercise

Steven went back to work this Sunday because his friend’s wife who was cafe’s owner had a major procedure in hospital and her name is Vivian .We known each other for many years ago , so I agreed with Steven to work for them this weekend. Because they really needed a manager who is can management the customers and staffs.

I took my son to English class called “I can read “ at chatswood in the morning and my father in-low and I waiting for him until he finished .after class we went to Korea supermarket bought some products to Vivian ,and then we went to the cafe which is Steven’s work place in nearby for brunch . The must important thing was to send healthy products to Vivian , we are all hope her get well soon .

‼️Steven asked me “ what is this?” When I handed him a paper bag, I said “ this is healthy products that I bought from Korea supermarket and this is good for Vivian “‼️

Steven went back to work this Sunday because his friend’s wife who was a cafe’s owner had a major procedure in hospital and her name is Vivian . We met each other for many years ago / We have known each other for many years, so I agreed for Steven to work for them this weekend / I agreed that Steven will work for them this weekend. Because they really needed a manager who is can manage the customers and staff.

I took my son to an English class called “I can read “ at chatswood in the morning and my father in-law and I waited for him until he finished. After class we went to a Korean supermarket to buy some health food for Vivian ,and then we went to the cafe, which is Steven’s workplace, in nearby for brunch . The must important thing was to give the health products to Vivian,  and we still all hope that she will get well soon.

‼️Steven asked me “ what is this?” When I handed him a paper bag, I said “ this is health food / products that I bought from a Korean supermarket and this is good for Vivian “‼️


desire (n / v) – the feeling of wanting to do sth
eg. I don’t have a strong desire to eat it

frozen – like ice

I will do my best to accommodate you = to make it convenient for you

health – your diet / body
healthy – good for your body
eg. She is healthy
eg2. Her health is very good / apples are good for your health

carbs – tan shui


happy / healthy / funny – adj
quickly / slowly / happily / healthily – adv
health – n

Dion learned management from managing many people

I am at work
I am at home
I work at 5PM

I give cake to you
I give cake for you

we ready – we are ready 

how to clear the level – I don’t know the level clearly 

Steven been there – Steven has been there

until Jamen year 3 – he will stay at X school until Jamen is in year 3

if he enroll to Sydney grammar he enrolls in Sydney grammar

we have many customers their kids in knox we have many customers who have kids (who are) in knox

in Knox a lot of Chinese people – there are many Chinese people in Knox

have done / have traveled / have seen – before now (not sure what time, or don’t care what time)

Needs more review

strict – yan ge