Online Class Notes (Jesse) [37]

Today we focused on:

every sentence must have a subject

be aware that you should add an object

don’t have 2 subjects (my students they…)

remember plurals 


entertainer – person
entertainment – something that entertains you
entertain (v)
eg. entertainers entertain people for entertainment

teachers teach people their teachings

convoluted – needlessly complicated


I can’t figure out – I can’t figure it out

stay here a month – they are staying here for a month

but cannot do together – but we cannot do it together

before she will do it – before she would do it / before she always did that

but become easier – but it becomes easier

it’s important for people to keep going

half they are teacher but the other half they are…

students they don’t have enough time

they repeat again their sentence

sanskrit they focus on xyz

regarding of this topicregarding this topic