Online Class Notes (Jesse) [200]

Speaking exercise


He grabbed a flower pot just before it smashed and after that he saw some leftover crumbs from MB’s dinner so he grabbed it and ate it.


He grabbed a flower pot carelessly just before it went smashing to the floor, before seeing some leftover crumbs which were from MB’s last dinner, grabbing them with a hungry grin on his face, and gobbling them up in a hurry.


I am quick (adj)
I run quickly (adv)

I am happy (adj)

sarcastic (adj)
sarcasm (n)
eg. I think sarcasm is funny
eg2. I think being sarcastic is annoying


mosquito – mos kee toe

Speaking exercise

He spotted Mr Bean clothes on his bed which gave him an idea, just as Mr Bean opened the door to grab / retrieve his shaver. The prisoner quickly / promptly hid under the carpet before the door was opened by Mr Bean entering the room. Upon entereing the room, Mr Bean grabbed his shaver, walking over here.