VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [37]

Writing exercise

I have been having a cough for three weeks .I tried many different ways to make it becoming better but still has a little cough which is really bad . If I can see the doctor earlier when I had symptoms at the beginning and it will takes short time to recover. and today I went to clinic to do a blood test , the doctor told me to do a fasting blood test last time but I don’t need to fast before the blood test this time , and then just waiting two days for the results of my thyroid problem .

I have been having a cough for three weeks. I tried many different ways to make it become better but there is still / I still have a little cough which is really bad. If I could see the doctor earlier when I had symptoms at the beginning and it would have taken a short time to recover. and today I went to clinic to do a blood test , and the doctor told me to do a fasting blood test last time but I don’t need to fast before the blood test this time , and then I am just waiting for two days for the results of my thyroid problem.


foreigner people – westerners

will not = won’t / wouldn’t

hobby – ai hao – make you happy
habit – xi guan – hard to control

worst – most bad
best < > worst
better < > worse “wers”
eg. it will get worse if you do that / it may get worse


make you do / let you do / ask you to do / get you to do

can – could (past)

when / if
when I am here, I am happy
if I have money, I will be happy

It rained yesterday. If it hadn’t rained, I wouldn’t have gotten wet.
It rained. I did get wet.

It has rained recently.
It rained yesterday

Did you do your homework?
Yes I did
Yes I DID do my homework.

when I was eating my lunch / when I ate my lunch

much time / long time
many times

I have not had much time with you
I have not traveled many times with you


thyroid – thai roid

my toy