Online Class Notes (Jesse) [35]

Writing exercise

I reared a story which is beauty and beast from YouTube channel , I have known this story for long time ago, this is my first time for English subtitle and it is interesting and amazing story.

Beauty has two older sisters ,her sisters was lazy and didn’t like beauty .Her mother was kind and beautiful like beauty and she died when beauty was born at the same day . Beauty is very kind and beautiful

I read a story which is beauty and the beast from a YouTube channel, and I heard about this story for long time ago (because it’s very famous and well known), and / but this is my first time in English / this is my first time to read it in English subtitle and it is an interesting and amazing story.

Beauty has two older sisters, and her sisters were lazy and don’t like beauty. Her mother was kind and beautiful like beauty but she died when beauty was born on the same day. Beauty is very kind and beautiful…


he use the hot air make my son feel comfortable – he uses the hot air to make my son (to) feel comfortable

I make you do it
I let you do it
I ask you to do it

See you 15mins later – see you in 15 minutes

we was busy last week – we were busy last week

I haven’t seen you for a long time

I met you a long time ago
I have known you for a long time

I know none of them = I don’t know any of those people (slang)
I don’t know any of them (normal English)
I don’t know her / I don’t know them

I met someone outside, they said they were from China. – 1 person

I did it.
Did you really??
I did do it! / I really have done it

I did travel to Japan last week/ I traveled to Japan last week / I have traveled to Japan last week / I have been to Japan last week

most women like shopping
most women like to shop

not much chinese people in therethere are not many chinese people there? 

do they speak English?
can people speak English in Bali?


normally we lock in Sunday and Tuesday?

rape – qiang jian
sexual assault – hurting someone sexually

Indonesia – the country
Bali – the island

read – present tense “reed”
read – past tense “red

I heard about this book a long time ago / 20 years ago / when i was was a kid

I have known about this book for many years / for 2o years / since I was a kid

Jamen came back to Australia 6 months ago. He has been in Australia for 6 months.

the doctor told me to fast before the blood test
the doctor told me to do a fasting blood test

breakfast = to break your fast / to stop not eating / to start eating


canadian – “can NAY dee yen
canada – “CAN na da”
