Online Class Notes (Jesse) [32]


fan of footballfootball fans 

reach out them – reach out to them
eg. I’m reaching out to you from Colorado to ask if you’re interested in joining our yoga class

they found out by word of mouth / through word of mouth 

he wants me and him take the class – he wants me and him to take the class

I want to drink water

I need to drink water
I need you to drink water
I need all of my students in the class at the studio to listen to me

i read the article about dolphin hunt season – I read an article about…

they afraid to express themselves – they are afraid to …

I aware – I am aware

they’re use to do that – they are used to doing that – habit / comfortable / familiar
they used to do that – in the past they did it

a lot of magazine they have a writer

many of my friends have teachers – subject + verb + object


warehouse – chang ku

adage – like a saying / expression that is commonly used

practice makes perfect = an adage

they’re afraid of how they’re perceived by others

they’re fishing for sympathy / compliments / attention = humblebragging

they try to lead the trends / set the trends / a trend setter 

they are trustworthy and knowledgeable

source – where information comes from (like an address)
eg. the source of this knowledge is a book called XYZ

resource – a tool we can use to get information
eg. books are a great resource because we can learn a lot from them


journalist – jer nal list

resource / source 


How do you think social media influences you / the way you act / talk?

In the past trend setters were famous people or public figures that millions of people had collectively agreed deserve to be setting trends and leading people. These days, anyone can be a trend setter just by having a viral video.

You should always know the source and context of any knowledge that you receive online. If you don’t know it, you shouldn’t take it. There’s no such thing as fast knowledge. All “tips” are years and years of cumulative experience, practice, and analysis.

svar diya – self studying, studying old text and studying to understand self. People are talking about trauma healing. Before you take someone’s word, you need to study yourself to understand yourself. Be brave and embrace yourself and who you are, don’t necessarily listen to what others say and let it influence you without fully understanding yourself first. and don’t be intellectual lazy / intellectual laziness 

1 – understand context
2 – understand source
3- understand yourself

The “noise” of information on social media should be like the noise of a busy street. You don’t need to analyse each car driving past. It’s like meditation and the constant stream of thoughts passing by – you don’t need to analyse each one, and should choose the ones you want to give attention to, and the ones you can simply ignore.