Online Class Notes (Jesse) [4]

Next Class Focus

Focus for at least 20 mins on accurate speaking, self correction.

Writing exercise

I went to Vivid Sydney on Friday, and I saw so many people over there. I was thinking about (I was like) 

I thought where are these people come from? I didn’t realize (that) Sydney has so many people before.  

It was quite beautiful, and every skyscraper looked very stunning. It just looks like the game scene of cyberpunk2077.  

I’ve been living in Sydney for more than 2 years. However, it still makes me feel like a brand-new City in my heart, and it is a place not really belong to my soul. There is no sense of belonging. 

Well, Melbourne in my mind was a place that full of belongingness, but I only had that feeling before I went back at three months ago. (Before this winter). 

Because, when I really went back there at February and I found all my friends gone, and I immediately realize that the place where makes me have belongingness is only exist in my mind. 

I went to Vivid Sydney on Friday, and I saw so many people over there. I was thinking / I was like / I thought where did these people come from? I didn’t realize before (that) Sydney has so many people.

It was quite beautiful, and every skyscraper looked very stunning. It just looked like the game scene of cyberpunk2077 / I think cyberpunk2077 looks like Vivid Sydney.

I’ve been living in Sydney for more than 2 years. However, it still makes me feel like a brand-new City (in my heart), and it is a place not really belonging to my soul / it is a place that doesn’t belong to my soul. There is no sense of belonging. 

Well, Melbourne in my mind was a place that is full of belongingness, but I only had that feeling before I went back at three months ago. (Before this winter). 

Because, when I (actually / really) went back there in February and I found all my friends were / had gone, and I immediately realized that the place which makes me have belongingness is only exists in my mind. 


eg. I have a lot of experience – like a group of people
eg2. I have had a lot of experiences – 5 individuals

I prefer a big picture approach rather than a detail oriented approach

dong xi / shi qing = stuff (uncountable) + things (countable)


I experienced those stuff – I experienced those things / that stuff 

I learned how to doing the things – I’ve learned how to do the things

I good at itI am good at it 

they want play games – they want to play games

I went to a cafe. It was big.
I went to a cafe which was big.

the brand new coming up – the brand new one is coming up

where are you from? = nationality
where do you come from? = nationality / where do you come from often or somtimes etc
where did you come from? = where did you come (past time)

I belong here < > I don’t belong here

this is a computer that / which doesn’t cost much
this is a phone that / which doesn’t have a camera
there is a car which is black
this is a cup that doesn’t feel hot.
this is a cup that I bought in Japan

I saw you yesterday
I saw you 1 day ago

at work
at 5PM
at the end of the day
at the edge of the table
at the centre



kind – eye / kind

game – gay m
name – nay m
plane – play n

first time – firsstime

I went to the park and had a coffee the first time