Online Class Notes (Jesse) [10]

Writing exercise

It was seems like the covid-19 has been more severe in Chaoyang district, even there were only around 50 confirmed cases everyday but the security guards took control of the gate of our community, due to the fact that there are only residents can enter the community right now, and the external people such as delivery man they need to wait outside the gate.
I talked about my hobbies in last class, and I have lots of hobbies indeed, such as playing piano, painting, dancing, running, surfing, etc…and the most recent hobby is skiing, but there weren’t any hobby that I insisted for a long time, and I felt bad about it. Actually, I tried to figure out why I couldn’t stick to my hobbies, and there are 2 most reasonable causes that the first is because of I didn’t gain enough praises from my parents when I was young, and the second is cause I always looking for the results rather than the processes. Therefore, I’m trying to focus on process right now, and my mom has been became more soft and she praise me often right now even I feel awkward.

It was seems like the covid-19 has been more severe in Chaoyang district, and even though there were only around 50 confirmed cases everyday, but the security guards took control of the gate of our community, due to the fact that there are only residents can enter the community right now, and the external people such as delivery men they need to wait outside the gate.
I talked about my hobbies in last class / in my last class, and I have lots of hobbies indeed, such as playing piano, painting, dancing, running, surfing, etc…and the most recent hobby is skiing, but there weren’t any hobbies that I insisted on for a long time, and I felt bad about it. Actually, I tried to figure out why I couldn’t stick to my hobbies, and there are 2 most reasonable causes and the first is because of I didn’t gain enough praise from my parents when I was young, and the second is because I am always looking for the result(s) rather than focusing on the process(es). Therefore, I’m trying to focus on the process(es) right now, and my mom has been (am / is / are) becoming more soft and she praises me often right now even though she knows I feel awkward.


accommodation – money for hotels etc

I like the beach / I like beaches

bitches – female dogs / mean girls

she praises me when there are other people around


2 SVO + 1 Conjunction = OK

SVO + conjunction + SVO
conjunction + SVO, SVO
SVO + conjunction + conjunction + SVO, SVO

because Penny want to learn English, so I will teach her.

when I have class and at that time I am happy

even though …… but ……….

conjunction, SVO, conjunction, SVO 

the time is not enoughI don’t have enough time / there isn’t enough time 

I have many projects which are gonna release

I have a pen. It is black. = I have a pen and it is black = I have a pen which is black

because + sentence
because of + noun

There are 2 main reasons that are good and bad.
There are 2 main reasons that I know.

I just need to give up
I just need to make sure
I just need to spend more time

not too much people come out – there are not too many people coming out / people who come out..