Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

talk about how to speak more clearly

Writing exercise

Howard Wolowitz is a character from The Big Bang Theory Series. He is a very special character, beginning with his way of dressing. but that’s another story.
Since he works an aerospace engineer, the NASA one day gave him the opportunity to go to space station. He showed this trip as something amazing in front of his friends, but he really doesn’t want to go because he was afraid of dying in space.
He had some excuses not to go, but the same way was not possible to carry them out. The project continued and finally he went.
His co astronauts bullied him all the time, first when they were in online conference and his mom called him to eat Choco Krispy, that was his nickname on the ship.

Howard Wolowitz is a character from The Big Bang Theory Series. He is a very special character, beginning with his way of dressing, but that’s another story.
Since he works an aerospace engineer, the NASA, one day gave him the opportunity to go to the space station / the ISS. He acted like this trip was something amazing in front of his friends, but really, he doesn’t want to go because he was afraid of dying / he feared dying / he was scared of dying in space.
He had some excuses not to go / excuses to not go, but in the end none of them worked / but they didn’t work. The project continued and finally he went.
His his fellow astronauts / his crew bullied him all the time. First when they were in an online conference and his mom called him to eat his Choco Krispy, so that was his nickname on the ship.


go out from China – leave China

outbreak – the process of COVID starting
eg. when the outbreak happened, people were scared

more strict rules

take sth for granted
eg. I take clean water for granted

they want to have independence
eg. Barcelona wants independence

I want to slap them

space station / ship

dull (weak) < > bright (strong)

skydiving (plane / helicopter) / base jumping (building / mountain)

the spaceship took off – when the spaceship starts to go into the air

what is the waste capacity of the spacesuit? / how much waste does the spacesuit handle?
what is the picture?
what is the time of the class?


they can’t to go out / they can’t leave

today I thinking – today I am / was thinking 


depth – “dep th”