Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

MB has 20 pounds so he can buy a plane and he will come to the toy store and then MB sees lots of people in the toy store and he can see lots different toys but he doesn’t see the toy plane and he sees a train on the train road and then he puts a train road and he uses his body to the train road and train is come.

MB has 20 pounds so he can buy a plane and he will come to the toy store and then MB sees lots of people in the toy store and he can see lots different toys but he doesn’t see the toy plane. He sees a train on the train track and then he puts a train track  and he uses his body to replace the train track and train is comes.




exclamation mark 

I just said “price” – gang gang


I’m not sure – wo bu que ding

8:30 – eight thirty 

my homework is very shaoI don’t have much homework / my homework is very little
they don’t have many planes

there are many question marks

The table has 4 legs.
There is an apple on the table.

there are lots of people lining up / the line is very long

eg. she accidentally fell over

Emily is sick but she will be OK very soon

thief – å°å· – theeeef

buy < > sell
eg. the shop sells planes and MB wants to buy a plane!



Needs more review

vase – a thing that you put flowers in

remote control

security guard – bao an

how do you spell _____?