Online Class Notes (Jesse) [13]

Writing exercise

Talking about the public school n private school.
My son is in a puclic primary school which is on top 50 in Victoria,and it’s also closed to my home,that’s what I need for now. There is q good public high school nearby,it has a selected program from year 7-12 which is good,but I’ll most likely send my son to a private high school.
There are a few reasons why I choose private one for him:1 the private school is not only focus on the academic but also on music,sports,art…which I think they’re important. Each school has a different emphasis,so I’ll make decision to choose one that suits him.2,In private school,the students get more chance to try different activities. in terms of music,they can pick one instrument to learn and join the music terms of sport,they also get to pick any one they’d like to do,which is good for the mental and physical health. The most important thing is all activities is happened after school at school site which save a lot of time for me. 3, Jack might could get into a private school on scholarship,because he’s very acdamic.
All above are the reasons I think about,and I’ve been keeping looking up the different school for long,because I need to register for Jack in at lease 1 year advance. 


Talking about the public school n private school.
My son is in a public primary school which is in the top 50 in Victoria, and it’s also close to my home, and that’s what I need for now. There is a good public high school nearby, which has a selective program from year 7-12 which is good, but I’ll most likely send my son to a private high school.
There are a few reasons why I may choose a private one for him:1 the private school is not only focusing / focused on the academics but also on music, sports, art etc…which I think is important. Each school has a different emphasis, so I’ll make a decision to choose one that suits him. 2,In private schools, the students get more chance to try different activities. In terms of music,they can pick one instrument to learn and join the school band. In terms of sport,they also get to pick any one they’d like to do,which is good for the mental and physical health. The most important thing is all activities is happened after school on school grounds which saves a lot of time for me. 3, Jack might be able to get into a private school on a scholarship, because he’s very acdamic.
All above are the reasons I think about,and I’ve been continously looking up the different schools for a long time / for a while / for ages, because I need to register for Jack at least 1 year in advance.


and no any information – there is not any information / there is no information

they must be excited herethere

I had a bad news – I had some bad news 

They can’t take care of him by their ownby themselves / on their own 


salary – gong zi 

school band 

I keep having class with Ying every Monday
I kept having class with Ying every Monday
I have kept having class with Ying every Monday
I have been (continuously) having class with Ying every Monday

heaps – lots and lots

authentic – real feeling

are there many racist people in Australia?


close – jin – “kloe sss”
close – guan – “kloe zzz”

 etc – “et set ter ra”