Online Class Notes (Jesse)


not affect too much your lungsit will not affect your lungs too much / it doesn’t affect…

it’s not the thing that scares people the most 

i don’t know how many time i can work I don’t know how long I can work for


squid game

ad-roll – the advertising on youtube videos
eg. there are many ad-rolls in the videos

trunk / boot – the back part of a car

literally < > figuratively (metaphor)
literally = it truely / really is that thing

He went crazy = very angry
He went literally crazy = he’s in a mental hospital

eg. I talked to there friend and they said ….


dinner = short “i”
dining = long “i”


Literally – lich relly / lid der ral lee 

netflix – net flicks

Writing exercise

Under the pandemic, since we are not allow to have many indoor activities, even dinning in at restaurant has been banned. Then I starting a new activity, which is walking at night. Normally I walk 5 km around my compound, sometimes I choose a nice park to walk, like yesterday, I walk in a historical park, which felt like walking in old times.

Under the pandemic, since we are not allowed (by the gov) / since the government doesn’t allow us to have many indoor activities, even dining in at restaurants has been banned. So I am starting a new activity, which is walking at night. Normally I walk 5 km around my compound, sometimes I choose a nice park to walk, like yesterday, I walked in a historical park, which felt like walking through history / walking in the olden days / taking a walk through the past