Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Speaking exercise

MB gives the old man some flowers which is in the old man’s vase and the old man is very awkward because it’s the flowers in his vase. The old man gives the flowers to his wife and says “for your dear” and MB puts the roof on the bed and on his body and wants to jump out of the window but the old woman is very afraid and did nothing. She puts her head into the blanket when MB wants to jump out of the window. Mb stands on the window. He wants to get the ball so he blows it and reaches it hardly and a crow flies here and MB is afraid. Soon the crow flies back and MB is very dangerous and now the girl which was tanning comes. He sees MB is standing near the window and maybe she thinks MB wants to make himself dead so she call the fire fighters.

MB gives the old man some flowers which are in his vase and he is very awkward because it’s the flowers in his vase. The old man gives the flowers to his wife and says “for you dear” and MB puts the rope on the bed and on his body and wants to jump out of the window but the old woman is very afraid and doesn’t do anything. She puts her head into the blanket when MB wants to jump out of the window. Mb stands on the window because he wants to get the ball so he blows it and tries really hard to reach it but a crow flies near him and he is afraid. Soon the crow flies back and MB is in danger and now the girl who was tanning comes. She sees him is standing near the window and maybe she thinks he wants to commit suicide so she calls the fire fighters.


I like MB
I like him

eg. I do it very hard = I use a lot of power
eg2. I hardly do it = I almost never do it

I have so many homework – I have so much HW / I have a lot of HW 

I have a lot of classes every day

at ___ (time)
when I …… (sentence)

on that timeat that time

I come in my class I come to class / I come into class 


I speak a language / I speak English
I speak to a person

I say that Giselle is a good student
I say “Jesse is good”

crane – the thing a firefighter uses to get higher

in the window / on the window sil 

Speaking exercise

I woke up at 6 o’clock because I must have a COVID test and we came back at a quarter to 7 and I read English book and Chinese book and then my mother cooked some (pieces of) bread for us. At 8:20 I have math class and we have some things we must add it, and then class was over and I finished my math homework. At 10:10 I have Chinese classes and we speak Chinese all the class because our Chinese teacher didn’t want us to speak English. Maybe she can’t speak English.

I woke up at 6 o’clock because I needed to have a COVID test and we came back at a quarter to 7 and I read an / my English book and a Chinese book and then my mother cooked some (pieces of) bread for us. At 8:20 I had math(s) class and we had some things we must add it, and then when the class was over and I finished my math homework. At 10:10 I had Chinese classes and we spoke Chinese all the class because our Chinese teacher didn’t want us to speak English. Maybe because she can’t speak English.