Online Class Notes (Jesse)


I go to Beijing once a year
Once a year
I go to Beijing

how often – duo jiu yi ci
how many – ji ge
how much – duo shao

midnight = 12 AM – sleep
eg. I sleep at midnight
noon / midday = 12 PM – lunch
eg. I study at midday

1 minute – “min net” = yi fen zhong
1 hour – “our” = yi ge xiao shi

Lisa loves to go shopping. Tomorrow she is going shopping. She needs a new pair of shoes. She wants to buy a pair of red shoes. She thinks red shoes are pretty (piao liang). She will buy a pair of shoes at the mall. Lisa usually (jing chang / often) shops at the mall (shang chang). The mall is only a mile from her house. She just walks to the mall. It only takes her 20 minutes (“minets” – fen zhong). Tomorrow she will go to four different (bu tong de / bu yi yang de“dif rnt”) shoe stores (dian). Tomorrow is Saturday (“sa ter day”). The mall always has sales on Saturday. If the sale price (jia ge) is good, Lisa might (you ke neng) buy two pairs of shoes.