Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

I like it. You like it too!
I don’t like it. You don’t like it either.

speaking has concluded / we have reached the conclusion of speaking this class

speaking overspeaking is over

Speaking exercise

MB buys a box of cereal at the market. There is an alien on the box. MB puts the cereal into 2 bowls. One for teddy. One for MB and the alien toy is in Teddy’s bowl so Teddy gets one more alien. Teddy has many but MB just has one.

MB, who Jesse really hates, buys a box of cereal at the market which may be near or far far away from MB’s house. There is an alien on the box which is Jesse’s favourite color 🙁. MB puts the cereal into 2 bowls and one for teddy and the other is for MB and the alien toy is in Teddy’s bowl so Teddy gets one more alien. In their collections, Teddy has many but MB just has one.