Online Class Notes (Jesse)


eg. Selene has some green reins that she uses to control her horse

crossroads – a place where roads meet and cars or horses, or other things can meet

Speaking exercise

“I suspect he’s at the shipwreck shore or at the waterfall stream” exlaimed Coral again.. “I guess maybe we should go through the portal, but you guys can’t go there as it’s very hard to control the portal when you don’t have wings. Just bring us there!” she shouted in a stubborn tone “Just bring us there!!”. Orange Head, Orrissa, Lashia and Sonia all thought “I didn’t know Coral had a stubborn side”. Onie shouted at Coral “can you please be a little bit more polite?!”. Coral stood up and said “la la la… NO!”. Specky growled “You’re very stubborn, I’m going to zap you if I get the chance”. Sonia shouted “You’re so stubborn! I’m going to tickle you if I get the chance.” “Lalala you’ll never dare” shouted Coral. Reptide shouted to Coral “meet us at the Shipwreck Shore!!”. They swam and swam and swam and swam and swaaaaaaaaaaaaam almost for a thousand miles until Reptide shouted “we’re here” in a graceful tone. When they got on the Shipwreck Shore they saw Coral, who shouted “I won the race!!”. Suddenly Sonia tickled Coral who didn’t stop laughing even after Sonia stopped. Then, Specky said “wait for a second” and zapped her. Coral sent off a wave of water using her tail to wash away the zip so it didn’t hit her. Reptide said “I guess King Drako is not here”. “How do you know??” Cocoa asked. Reptide replied “you will see soon, when we get to Waterfall Stream”. Onie and Orange Head and her team swam for a long time until Reptide said “we’re here!”. “Where’s King Drako?” whispered another guard”. “I guess he’s off somewhere else” another guard chimed in. Coral said in a very serious tone “I expect he is at the waterfall edge which is at the edge of the town, or the ice water place which is very cold and some dragons can’t breathe ice but not many because it’s very rare…or he will be at the Every-Day-Sunset beach, checking on everyone since I guess there’re lots of people there are there’s lots of arguing, which the guards don’t really help with… so King Drako needs to go check on them… or maybe he is at Water Ice Bay where his daughters and sons live. Did I metnion he has 10 daughters and 9 sons? or he may be at Summer Day Morning palace…. or…” continuing to chatter on. Cocoa suddenly distrupted Corals royal and annoying conversation in a very annoying way by nudging Coral’s wing and tackling Coral into the rocks. After that, Coral shouted “ohh that hurts you can be a little bit more polite.” “I asked you that before but you answered lalala so I’m going to ignore you and go and tell the queen that you’re very annoying and I know you’re already in very big trouble!” exclaimed Connie. “You wouldn’t dare!!” hissed Coral. “Can you guys stop arguing??” Specky shouted. “Okayyyy that’s the end” growled Cocoa and Coral. “I didn’t even know you could growl” said Specky. Cocoa said “I’ll growl sometimes when I really really need to… well not when I really really need to..”.

Chapter 6