Online Class Notes (Jesse)



it can control what you do 

and thenfollowing that / next 

shears  / clippers

lice – little bugs that make you itch

compliment – to say something nice about someone
eg. I gave Selene a compliment by saying she is very smart, and Selene gave Jesse a compliment by saying he’s the best teacher ever!

cross-cultural communication – when people from different cultures talk and learn from each other
eg. Selene is from Hong Kong and Jesse is from Australia, so they are having cross-cultural communication

submerge – to go under water
submarine – a boat that goes under water

sarcasm – when you say the opposite of what you mean as a joke
eg. Listening to Selene read a book and ignore Jesse is SO MUCH FUN!!!! (it’s boring)


Phoebe – “fee bee”