Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

The year of 2021 is a big year of black and white movie, more than 10 new movies are in black and white mode, even if the famous colorful player, Weiss Anderson has used the black and white episode in his new film “The French Dispatch†to highlight the serious of the thematic of news and the sense of age. Today, black and white mode is one kind of the “premium†visual and content expression, but how did the reversion of black and white films come back, I tried to search for the reason from my perspective. Based on my experience, I know that black and white movie will have nostalgic atmosphere, if you add a layer of filter, no matter what episode, it will help you to bring a sense of history,so colorful movies represent entertainment and common views, also black and white movies stand for drama and morals. And in the year of 2021, the world was painful and confused, so lots of directors wanted to use black and white mode to stand out the serious and heavy social problems, of course, black and white movies also could help to save the cost in tough period.

The year of 2021 is a big year of black and white movies, with more than 10 new movies being in black and white mode / in a black and white style, even if the famous director Weiss Anderson who is known for using bright colors and contrasts has used the black and white episode in his new film “The French Dispatch†to highlight the seriousness of the theme of politics, history and give it a sense of age. Today, black and white mode is one kind of the “premium†visual and content expression, but how did the reversion of black and white films happen / occur? I tried to search for the reason from my perspective. Based on my experience, I know that black and white movies will have a nostalgic atmosphere, and if you add a layer of filter, no matter what episode, it will help you to bring a sense of history,so color movies represent entertainment and common views, also black and white movies stand for drama and morals. And in the year of 2021, the world was in pain and confused, so lots of directors wanted to use black and white mode to make the serious and heavy social problems stand out, of course, black and white movies also could help to save the costs in a tough period.


the symptoms aren’t too serious / severe 

lose the tasting and smelling – lose the sense of taste and smell 

normal CNY actionacitivity 

continue the family business

the house will separate divide the money from selling the house 

divide the assetssplit the assets equally

inheritance – money you get when a family member dies

eg. he had a will

they have a falling out – argument that causes the relationship to end


they are duty off – they are off duty 

he asked if i willing to partner with him – I’m willing

when he got sick / get rich / get married