Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

I’ve decided to spay our cat as soon as the lockdown end.She was in heat again a couple days ago.I looked for some videos about it including post surgery aftercare guidance/how to care for your pet after the surgery.
From these videos,I learned that female cats would take more risks than male cats if they were not desexed and during the surgery it would be the same.The hormone can change cat’s behavior,such as we already know that meal cats will pee around to mark their territory and probably become aggressive.For female cats it could be worse.
As I know,our cat will lose her appetite when ever she is heated so she doesn’t eat as much as usual and looks really depressed,and she’s obviously absent-minded(?) when I play with her.Beside this,she will meow and meow all day or stands at the gate and calls loudly for a mate,and she will lie down until she feel tire.But if she’s still uneasy,she would roll around on the floor or moving around our house.That is/these are? what female cats would go through when they are in heat.More importantly,their rutting season(?) normally last from the January to the late autumn and in which there are a lot of circles and each of them will continue for around 6 days ,so female cats will suffering over and over.Moreover,if we don’t control the situation,it would cause/develop some bigger problems,like tumors or cancers(pyometra,ovarian cancer and uterine cancer ).Therefor,spaying/taking our cat to spay can practically prevent these potential harms.

I’ve decided to spay our cat as soon as the lockdown ends. She was in heat again a couple (of) days ago. I looked for some videos about it including post surgery aftercare guidance/how to care for your pet after the surgery.
From these videos,I learned that female cats would take more risks than male cats if they were not desexed and during the surgery it would be the same / and likewise for the surgery. Hormones can change a cat’s behavior, for example we already know that male cats will spray to mark their territory and probably become aggressive.For female cats it could be worse.
As I know,our cat will lose her appetite whenever she is in heat so she doesn’t eat as much as usual and looks really depressed. Plus / Also / Furthermore, she’s obviously absent-minded when I play with her. Beside this, she will meow and meow / mew / miew / mieow all day or stand at the gate and call loudly for a mate, and she will lie down until she feels tired / she is tired. But if she’s still uneasy, she will roll around on the floor or move around our house. That is/these are? what female cats would go through when they are in heat.More importantly,their rutting season(?) normally last from the January to the late autumn and in which there are a lot of circles and each of them will continue for around 6 days ,so female cats will suffering over and over.Moreover,if we don’t control the situation,it would cause/develop some bigger problems,like tumors or cancers(pyometra,ovarian cancer and uterine cancer ).Therefor,spaying/taking our cat to spay can practically prevent these potential harms.


brother / sister = sibling – a kid of your mum or dad
cousin = a kid of your aunties / uncles / or other relation
nephew / neice = your sibling’s kids

backend – the system
eg. they said there was a problem with the backend

can I come over? / asked him if I could come over 

bartender – sb who works in a bar making drinks

hospitality – the food & drink industry

they have no lives 

eg. we’re in lockdown at the moment

speak out – to protest or speak publicly about sth like women’s rights etc.
speak up – say it louder / don’t stay quiet
speak – communicate / open your mouth

tiredness – n
tire – v
tired – v / adj
eg. tiredness is really common at night
eg2. being tired is really common at night